32282 Camino Capistrano
San Juan Capistrano, California 92675
Appt Tel: (949) 496-4402
Dentures are an investment in the beauty of your smile and the function of your teeth. And, like any investment, you'll want to do a little research before making a final decision on dentures. These guidelines can help you choose the practitioner who's right for you.
Many dentists offer dentures, but not all are prosthodontists. Prosthodontic dentistry is recognized by the American Dental Association (ADA) as a specialty. Whether you choose a general dentist or prosthodontist, make sure the dentist is licensed through the state dental board.
The best dentists didn't just go to dental school; they also completed extensive post-graduate training programs that focus specifically on issues of dentures and prosthodontics. In addition, the best dentists regularly attend continuing education classes to stay up-to-date on new procedures and materials.
Going in for a consultation is a great way to learn more about a dentist and dental practice. Consultations are generally inexpensive, and are sometimes even offered for free. Talk to the dentist before you commit to anything. Remember, it's your job to make an educated decision.
Dentures are a great solution for missing teeth, but they're not the only one. Dental implants can provide a permanent replacement for lost teeth. Though implant dentistry can be expensive, patients are highly satisfied with the results.
Though many people people picture a full set of false teeth, there are other kinds of dentures as well. Options include removable complete dentures, removable partial dentures and fixed partial dentures, and a variety of denture materials are available.
It's essential that you be able to talk to your dentist - and that your dentist will listen to you! There's a lot of dialogue that needs to go into an individual long-term treatment plan. If you feel bullied, pressured, or rushed, then that's probably not the right dentist for you.
Take a look at the dentist's portfolio before you make up your mind. Pay specific attention to cases that are similar to yours. Make sure that the photos are of actual work done by the dentist, not just stock photos.
Some dentists charge more by marketing themselves as high-end luxury dentists offering superior dentures. Other dentists try to make up for poor materials and shoddy work by offering low prices. Beware the extremes.
Watch out for doctors who promise more than they can deliver. You want a dentist who will tell you what can and cannot be done for your smile. You need to know how long the process will take, what you'll have to do, and any complications that could occur.
Much like other people, dentists get better at things the more they do them. Ideally, your dentist will have lots of experience with dentures and prosthodontics in general and with cases like yours specifically.
"We know that selecting a implant dentist is not easy. I want you to know that you can call me personally with any questions or concerns."
32282 Camino Capistrano
San Juan Capistrano, California 92675
Appt Tel: (949) 496-4402